By: Irix Webpage

Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

By: Irix Web Page

By: Irix Web Page

As i told before they others wide angle lens reviews, the biggest problem in this kind of lens is the inability of use front filters, and this one isn't diferent. This lens have a non removel hood, it may be possible to use a 150x150 filter, with a specific holder, but I don't know any, the good this is that Irix designed a slot on the rear that make's it possible to use gelatin filters.
This lens is also design with Neutrino coating that helps this lens in flare and ghosting performance.

Photo By: Miguel Mesquita
One of the best feathers of this lens was "infinite click". When we position the lens in the infinite position there is a click on the ring that defines that position, it is that for landscape photographers it is a great asset, in the photograms usually even at night at sunset. It is also very useful for night photography.
This lens provides a full DOF (Depth of Field) scale including engraved aperture marks covering f/8 through f/16, can be also used the provided hyperfocal setting marks.

Photo By: Miguel Mesquita
The good thing is that it's very easy to correct the post processing program.

NIKON D810 IRIX 11MM - Photos Without Lens Corretion - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 IRIX 11MM - Photos With Lens Correction - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

By: Irix Web Page

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 1/8 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 1/8 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 1/8 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

By: Irix Web Page
I'm quite satisfied with the images directly outside the camera, but when you apply the lens profile to correct the image in post production, then the vignette practically disappears.

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64 - Photos With Lens Correction - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 1/8 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita
This lens is very consistent with other reputable lens, in ultra wide angle lens is very common have some flare resistance and this lens is not exception, in normal use almost didn't see flares, but when we have the sun direct and center, i noticed some flare resistance but they were still pretty clean.

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 1/8 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita
This lens is very consistent with other reputable lens, in ultra wide angle lens is very common have some flare resistance and this lens is not exception, in normal use almost didn't see flares, but when we have the sun direct and center, i noticed some flare resistance but they were still pretty clean.

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 1/8 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 1/8 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita
The amount of comatic distortion is fairly low. In 11mm it's more difficult to see the coma, becouse this is a realy ultra wide lens, but with some attention we find a little bit of a bulge in star points on the edge of the frame, but they don’t start to “grow wings”, and I felt the look was fairly non-offensive.

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 1600, F/4, 15 Sec - Croped - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 1600, F/4, 15 Sec - Croped - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

Other good feature of this lens is the price, this lens cam be found in the Irix webstore at 745€ the blackstone model, and 555€ at firefly model.

In terms of image quality, I was pleasantly surprised by the optical performance of this glass. The sharpness in the center is very good even at the widest settings, while the corner resolution improves significantly at f/5.6. Have a little bit of Vignetting and chromatic aberration at f/4 but they also decrease when stopping down the aperture.
Honestly i see similar ultra wide lens very more expensive than this one, with similar features, if you are looking for manual UWA lens and spent little money woth quality, this lens is a very good choice.

Photo By: Miguel Mesquita
- Superb sharpness and contrast especially centrally;
- Inability of use filters on the front;

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 5 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 2 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 2 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 2 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita

NIKON D810 + IRIX 11MM: Iso 64, 2 Sec, F/8 - Photo By: Miguel Mesquita