Fornax has been developing and producing astronomical equipment for 20 years now. His main focus is manufacturing astronomical mounts, but our range includes other astronomical auxiliary products. In addition to private projects they have been involved in such prestigious projects as the HAT (Hungarian Automated Telescope) project, one of the most successful projects in exo-planet exploration, or the BlackGem project.
They customers include Harward and Princeton universities, mounts are used by many famous astrophotographers, and their award winning pictures taken with the help of our products stand as testament to the quality.
More than 20 years ago we began working on a robotic telescope system developed specifically for the discovery of exo-planets. The project ran under the name HAT (Hungarian Automated Telescope), in those in cooperation with Harvard University, now replaced by Princeton University. The HATnet and HATsouth projects have discovered nearly 140 exo-planets. In addition, we participate in the mechanical part of BlackGem, a project aimed at researching gravity waves. We use our scientific research expertise in our products developed for everyday users.